Friends of Sunset Park is a city-recognized non-profit neighborhood organization working to improve life in our neighborhood and in Santa Monica.

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City Council Election
Every year, members of the Friends of Sunset Park are asked to identify their concerns regarding the state of the City. For the past few years, the most pressing concerns have been Crime/Public Safety, Over-development, Traffic, Homelessness, and Santa Monica Airport.
There are 10 candidates for City Council this year. With these concerns in mind, the Board of Directors of the Friends of Sunset Park has voted to endorse Phil Brock, Oscar de la Torre, John Putnam, and Dr. Vivian Roknian. These four strong and smart candidates are committed to:
  • Pursuing public safety and restoring safe access to parks by fighting the County’s outdoor needle distribution program
  • Opposing Senate Bill 10 (SB10), which would allow 10-unit apartment buildings in single-family- home neighborhoods. This state law is NOT MANDATORY — it requires approval by the City Council. The other 6 candidates support implementing SB10 in Santa Monica.
  • Addressing the homelessness crisis with humane and effective policies 
  • Supporting housing affordability and rent control without otherwise diminishing the quality of life in Santa Monica.
  • Fostering a healthy business community to fund our public services and schools
  • Supporting the gradual development of a “Great Park” on the airport property after the Santa Monica Airport closes at the end of 2028
Measure QS
The Board of Directors of Friends of Sunset Park voted to oppose the $495 million SMMUSD facilities bond measure on the November ballot. We all want our schools to be as good as they can be, and the Santa Monica community has been extremely generous, providing $1.13 billion for school construction since 2006. However, we don’t believe the facilities program has been managed properly. We need a thorough outside audit of past spending and construction outcome, as well as accountability for specific projects and budgets before we can consider another bond. 

These are Board positions only – We’re not trying to tell FOSP members how to vote.

No matter your opinions on these and other matters, we urge you to vote on November 5th. Here is the city’s General Election 2024 website
Measure R Exemption
From SMMUSD: The 2024-2025 Measure R exemption was incorrectly excluded from the most recent property tax statements sent to residents. The Assessor’s office is aware of the issue and is in the process of updating all tax profiles. SMMUSD was advised to inform residents that 00000the tax statements should reflect the adjustment by October 17.
Revised tax bills will be mailed by the tax collector subsequently. 
SMMUSD Measure R Office, 1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone: 310-450-8338 ext. 70263 — Email:

Friends of Sunset Park Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, November 6, 2024,  7:00 PM 

All are welcome and encouraged to attend! 

Please check back for Zoom Meeting information.

Meeting ID: 
One tap mobile: (669) 900-6833

Airport to Park Project

Santa Monica has launched Phase 2 of the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project and is asking for public input.
Find a link to the public input survey and learn more by visiting the FOSP AIRPORT page.

Gelson’s Teardown Project – 2601 Lincoln Blvd.

At their March 4 meeting, the Architectural Review Board unanimously approved the plans for the massive project.  For more information click here. 
For the city website page on the Gelson’s project click here.

Stay informed in an emergency – sign up for SM Alerts here.
SMPD Sunset Park Neighborhood Resource Officer
Edgar Navarro:
SMPD Sunset Park Crime Prevention Coordinator
Halima Barreto:

For COVID-19  information including vaccine locations and testing, connect with LA County’s one-stop website.
Santa Monica COVID-19 information here.

Catalytic converter theft in Sunset Park.
Learn More about how you can prevent it.
For a list of local shops that install catalytic converter cages click here.
Theft from vehicle is the #1 crime in Sunset Park. 
You can prevent car break-ins and grand theft auto with a $20 Faraday box.
Learn more.  

Watering Restrictions
Watering restrictions that began July 5, 2022 are still in effect. Outdoor watering is restricted to 2 days a week, with different watering days assigned to odd-numbered and even-numbered street addresses.
Odd-numbered street addresses are allowed to water on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Even-numbered street addresses are allowed to water on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
No watering is allowed outdoors from 9AM to 5PM regardless of the watering day.
Learn more about other watering restrictions.
Green Recycle Law
Climate change has prompted a city law that requires all organics (food and landscape materials) be placed in a green recycle bin. If your home, multi-family property or business doesn’t have a green recycle bin, email the Santa Monica Zero Waste team to request one at no additional charge:
For the new green container guidelines click here.
To learn how to comply with the new law click here.
The Main, Pico and Montana Ave. branches of the Santa Monica Public Library are open for limited in-person service. The Fairview and Ocean Park branches are open for self service only. For branch hours and information click here. 
Graffiti Removal Hotline: (310) 458-2231
The police department graffiti hotline allows you to simply leave a message, with the description of the graffiti and location, and a third party company hired by the City will remove it. If the graffiti is on city property, it’s immediately removed.  If the graffiti is on private property, they will seek approval from the owner first and then paint over it.  
Electrify Santa Monica Rebate Program
The City’s Office of Sustainability & the Environment has introduced a pilot rebate program to assist residents in retrofitting their homes with efficient electric appliances. It offers up to $1,000 for residential properties, and up to $1,800 for low-income residents, to replace natural gas equipment (water heating, space heating, and cooking) with efficient all-electric alternatives. Details here.  
Santa Monica’s  311 program
311 is the one-stop information center for all non-emergency city services and information. Available in English and Spanish, 311 is accessible via phone, email (, web, and mobile app. Learn more. 
Rent Support Available to Low-Income Seniors through “Preserving Our Diversity” Program. Learn more

Friends of Sunset Park is supported in part by a grant from the City of Santa Monica. No public funds are used for campaign purposes and the views of the organization do not necessarily reflect the views of the City of Santa Monica or its officials.