WHEREAS, no level of lead exposure is safe, and lead exposure particularly affects children, and
WHEREAS, the recent Reid-Hillview Airport Study (attached) showed conclusively that lead from aviation emissions near their airport increased blood lead levels in children, in concentrations in some cases far higher than during the Flint Water Crisis, and
WHEREAS, studies previously performed at Santa Monica Airport (AQMD & EPA in 2010) have also shown elevated levels of lead in the areas surrounding the airport due to leaded aviation fuel, and
WHEREAS, Santa Monica and West Los Angeles have multiple childcare centers, pre-schools, and elementary schools in close proximity to Santa Monica Airport, and
WHEREAS, we currently have a national administration that has made it a policy priority to promote clean energy, and reduce pollution and lead exposure,
NOW THEREFORE, we strongly encourage the City of Santa Monica to explore steps taken and actions initiated by the County of Santa Clara in their efforts to address and mitigate lead pollution exposure, and to take similar measures including (but not limited to) joining the recent petition filed by Earthjustice and the County of Santa Clara.
Second motion:
WHEREAS, the FAA “is committed . . . to support the development and use of unleaded aviation gas” (Consent Decree, Section VII), and
WHEREAS, the City of Santa Monica strives to be a “Green” City, and
WHEREAS, the City of Santa Monica currently owns and operates fuel tanks on the South Side of Santa Monica Airport that sell leaded fuel, and
WHEREAS, Atlantic Aviation provides (and is anticipated to continue to provide) leaded fuel at the North Side of the Airport, and
WHEREAS, it is our belief that the City can and ought to provide unleaded fuel options at the Airport,
NOW THEREFORE, we recommend the City Council pursue all avenues available to reduce, or even eliminate, lead pollution at the Airport.
These avenues could include, and are not limited to, providing unleaded fuel at cost, and the promotion and assistance in the acquisition of Supplemental Type Certificates for aircraft based at SMO.
Download the SCAQMD General Aviation Report
Click here to read the summary of the HIA completed in February of 2010 Download the Santa Monica Health Impact Assesment Report
Click here to read the article or download the pdfs